Video streaming

Vea la transmisión de video de la DebConf12 en vivo:

Talk room 1 (Aula Magna)
Talk room 2 (Auditorio Roberto Terán)

Por favor revise el horario para obtener mas información sobre las charlas en vivo. Nuestro horario de charlas es desde las 10am (GMT-6) hasta las 7pm (GMT-6).

Videos grabados

Conferencias en español

Títle Descarga
Inauguración Día Debian - Debian Day welcome talk
Ponente: Aura Lila Gutierrez Tejada, Leandro Gómez, Renata Maria Rodrigues, Stefano Zacchiroli
[high] (250M) [low] (45M)
Understanding Debian
Ponente: Bdale Garbee
[high] (682M) [low] (123M)
Debian: software libre y abierto en la sociedad actual - Libertad social y de pensamiento.
Ponente: Hector Oron
[high] (601M) [low] (104M)
Como colaborar con Debian - Diversas formas de colaborar y contribuir con el Proyecto Debian
Ponentes: Leandro Gómez, Aura Lila Gutierrez Tejada
[high] (576M) [low] (104M)
Debian QA: una puerta de entrada al proyecto Debian - Cómo empezar a colaborar en Debian ayudando al Debian QA Team
Ponente: Mónica Ramírez Arceda
[high] (436M) [low] (80M)
Mejorando Ubuntu desde Debian - Por qué colaborar con Debian ayuda a que Ubuntu sea mejor.
Ponente: José Ernesto Dávila Pantoja
[high] (177M) [low] (31M)
Sostenibilidad, Soberanía, Idoneidad y Democratización de las TIC en el Ministerio de Salud de El Salvador - El papel de Debian como principal protagonista de su consecución
Ponente: Carlos Juan Martín Pérez
[high] (554M) [low] (95M)
Linux Capabilities - realmente necesitas root para eso?
Ponente: Luciano Bello
[high] (510M) [low] (88M)
Escuelas libres con DebianEdu
Ponente: Norman Garcia Aguilar, Rafael Ernesto Rivas Méndez
[high] (158M) [low] (28M)
Debian NI tras bastidores - ¿Quiénes, cómo y por qué?
Ponente: Adolfo Jurgen Fitoria Escobar
[high] (132M) [low] (22M)
debian-l10n-spanish - Traducción de Debian al español
Ponente: José Fernando Castañeda Estrada
[high] (344M) [low] (62M)
Yota One y GNU/Linux
Ponente: Roberto Bravo
[high] (138M) [low] (25M)
Empaquetando colaborativamente con git y collab-maint
Ponentes: Ulises Vitulli
[high] (504M) [low] (91M)
Uso del sistema de manejo de errores de Debian
Ponente: Hector Colina
[high] (391M) [low] (65M)

Conferencias en inglés

Título Descarga
Introduction to Debian translation workflow and processes
Ponente: Christian Perrier
[high] (543M) [low] (96M)
Bits from the DPL - discourse on the state of the Debian
Ponente: Stefano Zacchiroli
[high] (550M) [low] (97M)
Welcome talk - DebConf12 introductory session
Ponentes: Norman Garcia Aguilar, Leandro Gómez, Felix Delattre, Holger Levsen, Moray Allan
[high] (168M) [low] (26M)
Getting packages into Debian BoF - Debexpo, sponsorship-requests, debian-mentors, ITPs, and more
Ponente: David Bremner
[high] (502M) [low] (89M)
Video training - how to do live sessions / how to review
Ponentes: Franklin Piat, Holger Levsen, Tiago Bortoletto Vaz
[high] (257M) [low] (46M)
Bits from the Release Team
Ponente: Neil McGovern
[high] (354M) [low] (64M)
EFI in Debian - The brave new world of the PC BIOS
Ponente: Steve McIntyre
[high] (547M) [low] (97M)
OpenPGP discussion and skillshare
Ponente: Daniel Kahn Gillmor
[high] (521M) [low] (93M)
Meet the Release Team - Step forth and ask questions
Ponente: Philipp Kern, Adam D. Barratt
[high] (381M) [low] (69M)
Debian-CD Where now?
Ponente: Steve McIntyre
[high] (431M) [low] (78M)
Meet the Technical Committee
Ponente: Bdale Garbee
[high] (566M) [low] (102M)
Building free software communities - Building fun, exciting and productive communities
Ponente: Leandro Gómez
[high] (308M) [low] (53M)
Multiarch crossbuilding - How to use, and what still needs work
Ponente: Wookey
[high] (429M) [low] (76M)
use Perl; - Annual meeting of the Debian Perl Group
Ponente: Gregor Herrmann
[high] (537M) [low] (97M)
Crossbuilding/bootstrapping BOF
Ponente: Wookey
[high] (528M) [low] (95M)
Debconf Travel sponsoring BoF - Open discussion about criteria for granting travel sponsoring.
Ponentes: Tiago Bortoletto Vaz, David Bremner, Gaudenz Steinlin
[high] (542M) [low] (97M)
Multiarch packaging workshop
Ponente: Steve Langasek
[high] (549M) [low] (99M)
Debian derivatives BoF - Debian derivatives related discussion
Ponente: Paul Wise
[high] (532M) [low] (95M)
Build Debian with another compiler
Ponente: Sylvestre Ledru
[high] (473M) [low] (84M)
ARM port(s) update - Where are we now, what's coming?
Ponente: Steve McIntyre
[high] (460M) [low] (81M)
BoF: Is there life after the barf? - Time to replace Pentabarf — What with and how?
Ponente: Gunnar Wolf Iszaevich
[high] (509M) [low] (92M)
AArch64 planning - The next generation of ARM
Ponente: Steve McIntyre
[high] (399M) [low] (71M)
Linux Capabilities - Do you really need root for that?
Ponente: Luciano Bello
[high] (510M) [low] (73M)
Integrating Emdebian into Debian - dak changes and migration support
Ponente: Neil Williams
[high] (513M) [low] (93M)

Todas las charlas

DebConfs pasados: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

Patrocinadores permanentes